Monday, 22 April 2013

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

I have used many new media technologies when producing my media package, these vary from Microsoft word to PhotoShop. During these past two years I have learnt how to use many new technological programmes and have been able to take advantage of the recent advances in web 2.0.
My skills in PhotoShop have progressed radically during these two years, in my production i used many tools to ensure my magazine and poster were as realistic as possible, here are some examples of tools i used:
  • Filter
  • Brightness
  • Exposure
  • Contrast
  • DA font
  • Crop
  • Burn
  • Layers
  • Quick select
  • Rubber
All these tools helped me in producing an effective media package. See my previous blog posts for evidence of me playing around with these tools.
Web 2.0 has been extremely helpful in both research, planning and evaluation stages. For example Blogger has allowed me to publice all my information and reserach in a clear and sophisticated way. I have learnt how to embed codes easily and prduce high quality, clear work.
I have used Flickr as a photo forum to slide show my photos in a funky and different way, I created myself a new account and can now use it to produce photo albums to share on different media forums, Evidence of me using this is seen on my blog.
SlideShare has allowed me to present intricate presentations in a easy way, Signing up to an account last year, it has benefitted the way i have presented my work. Microsoft Powerpoint is needed to put a preasentation on SlideShare, as a universal product i found it easy to use and was another way of presenting my work.
I was introduced to a new way to evaluate my work - Prezi, Prezi is a web based presentation application and stroytelling tool that uses a canvas insead of slides. It was hard to understand at first but once i had taken the tutorial i had got to grips with the controls and began to create my own 'journey'. DA FONT is a website that i have used throughout these two year. It has been a great realiable website that has allowed me to experiment with suitable fonts that fit the genres i have been researching.
Youtube has been a fantastic resource i have used for research, it has enabled me to anlayse and understand trailer conventions. It helped me dramtically for the contruction of my trailer.  Twitter and Facebook, both extremely successful social networking sites have enabled me to arrange my actors and promote my media package. I have tweeted asking people to take a look at my trailer and comment for reviews that could improve my trailer.
The video equipment I used was as follwed: Panasonic HD, this enabled me to have a high quality video shots, it always had lots of settings, such as; white balnace, red eye and brightness - these all helped me capture a good video.
Overall I have benefitted a lot by using all these technologies, they have contributed greatly to my final outcome.

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Sunday, 21 April 2013

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Media Evaluation Questionnaire


How effective is the title ‘TIED’?


Considering all 3 media products, who do you think is our target audience?


Did the trailer contain the right conventions to create fear?


How did the music effect the trailer?


What would you change about the trailer?


How did the trailer make you feel after you watched it?


Did any part of the trailer shock you?


Does the magazine cover look professional? If so why?


Would you buy this magazine if you saw it in stores?


Does the film poster encourage you to go and watch the film? If so how?


How would you rate the creativity of the package out of ten?


Could you find a link in all three products?


Is there anything I could change to make my products more effective?

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Final Trailer

Here is my final trailer, I am very pleased with the outcome.
It is currently on Facebook and been tweeted on Twitter to ensure it is being recieved by hundreds of people :)

Trailer Edits

This is an example of me playing around with the brightness levels, in both these shots i wanted a unclear view, I believe the brightness has really emphasised this clarity.

This is an example of me adding text to my film, here i simply took a photo from the film and edited it - I put a distorted look on the text so it trembles when it is shown.

This is an example of an transition edit, I have used various different transitions but the two I normally use, is the black fade and the white opening. I believe it works well for my trailer.
  Here I have added the 'New Line Cinema' Logo, this is also advertised on my poster. New Line Cinema is a real production company, this is why I added it to my trailer (with great difficulty) i had to convert the beginning of another trailer to an mp4 source and make it valid to be coped to windows movie maker!
Here is an example of part of my editing, I have included this green 'preview' box as nearly alll the trailers contain one these. I felt this would make my audience take my trailer more seriously